Tá an ainnir arís ar an mbínse ag magadh an tseanfhir faoin mbealach inar theip air a bhean óg a shásamh. Deir sí go mba chóir iachall a chur ar fhir óga pósadh, is gan eisceacht a dhéanamh do shagairt na tíre.
The young woman again takes the stand mocking the old man’s inability to satisfy his young wife. She advocates forcing young men to marry with the clergy not being exempt from that edict. |
Tar éis bheith tamall don ainnir ag éisteacht | 645 | After the girl had heard his harangue |
Do léim ina seasamh go tapa gan foighne, | 646 | With great impatience, to her feet she sprang, |
Do labhair sí leis agus loise ina súile | 647 | With fire in her eyes on him she gazed |
Is rabhartaí feirge feilce fúithi: | 648 | And spoke in a voice that was trembling and crazed: |
Dar Coróin na Carraige murach le géilleadh | 649 | By Cragleas Crown, if I wasn't thinking |
Dod chló dod ainnis is deasnamh do chéille | 650 | How your health is failing, your faculties sinking |
Is dam na hurraime don chuideachta shéimh seo | 651 | And of the respect thats due to this court |
An ceann lem ingin do sciobfainn ded chaolscroig, | 652 | With my nails, Id scratch your face and throat |
Do leagfainn anuas de thuairt faoin mbord thú | 653 | Id knock you with a mighty crash to the ground |
Is is fada le lua gach cuairt dá bhfaighinn ort | 654 | And it would long be talked of how often you went down |
Go stróicfinn sreanga do bheatha le fonn ceart | 655 | Until I had cut your mortal cord |
Is go seolfainn tanam go Acheron tonnach. | 656 | So that across Acheron you were being oared.. |
Ní fiú liom freagra freastail do thabhairt ort, | 657 | Its beneath my dignity to answer you straight |
A shnamhaire fleascaigh nach aithis do labhartha! | 658 | You sniveling slimeball, your speechs inchoate |
Ach inseoidh mé feasta do mhaithe na cúirte | 659 | But I want to inform the worthies of the court |
An nós inar cailleadh an ainnir nárbh fhiú thú: | 660 | Of the horrible life of one above your sort: |
Bhí sí lag, gan bha gan phuint, | 661 | She was vulnerable, without cattle or dough |
Bhí sí i bhfad gan teas gan clúdadh, | 662 | Always freezing without heat or a throw |
Cortha dhá saol, ar strae dhá seoladh | 663 | Tired of life, astray without direction |
Ó phost go piléar gan ghaol gan chóngas, | 664 | From pillar to post, with no relatives affection, |
Gan scíth gan spás de lá nó doíche, | 665 | Without rest or comfort by day or by night |
Ag stríocadh an aráin ó mhná nár chuí léi. | 666 | Having to beg from strangers her daily bite. |
Do gheall an fear seo dreas sócúlach di, | 667 | This man promised her silver and gold |
Do gheall an spreas di teas is clúdadh, | 668 | He promised her heat and shelter from cold, |
Cothrom glan is ba le crú di, | 669 | A fair share of wealth and milk cows purebred |
Is codladh fada ar leaba chlúimh di, | 670 | Comfortable nights on a down-covered bed |
Teallaigh teó agus móin a dóthain | 671 | Warm hearths with turf so she wouldnt freeze |
Fallaí fód gan leoithne gaoithe, | 672 | Thick sod walls to keep out the breeze, |
Fothain is díon ón síon is ón spéir di, | 673 | Well-secured roofs and doors and windows |
Olann is líon le sníomh chun éadaigh. | 674 | Wool and linen to weave for clothes |
Do bfheasach don tsaol is don phéist seo láithreach | 675 | Twas known to the world and to this worm there |
Nach taitneamh ná téamh ná aonphuth ghrá dó | 676 | That not pleasure or warmth or a love affair |
Do cheangail an péarla maorga mná seo | 677 | Drew this pearl of a woman to that block of ice |
Ach easnamh go léir,ba déirc léi an tsástacht! | 678 | But that a life of want left her without any choice. |
Ba dubhach an fuadar suairceas oíche | 679 | With him there would be no nights of pleasure |
Smúit is ualach duais is líonadh, | 680 | With this fat load, dropsical beyond measure; |
Lúithne luaidhe agus guaillí caol | 681 | With his leaden sinews and narrow shoulder |
Is glúine crua chomh fuar le hoidhre | 682 | It was hard to see how the night could get colder. |
Cosa feoite dóite ón ngríosach | 683 | Along with knarly knees and decaying feet |
Is colainn bhreoite dhreoite chríona. | 684 | His dry sickly body was no young womans treat. |
An bhfuil stuaire beo ná feoidhfeadh liath | 685 | Is there a beauty alive who wouldnt grow old |
Ag cual dá shórt bheith pósta riamh? | 686 | If she were married to a crock so cold |
Nár chuardaigh fós faoi dhó le bliain | 687 | Who, even twice a year, didnt have a wish |
Cé buachaill óg í, feoil nó iasc? | 688 | To see if she was a boy, whether flesh or fish? |
Is an feóiteach fuar seo suas léi sínte | 689 | She had this cold bag of bones lying by her side |
Dreoite duairc gan bua gan bíogadh. | 690 | Shriveled and woebegone, impotent, stupefied. |
Och! car mhór di bualadh bríomhar | 691 | Oh! Wouldnt she have loved just once a night |
Ar nós ba dhual de uair san oíche. | 692 | A little affection as was her conjugal right. |
Ní dóigh go dtuigtear gurab ise ba chiontach | 693 | I don't believe peoplell think she was to blame |
Ná fós go gcliseadh ar laige ina tonndacht | 694 | That she was an icy and frigid dame |
An maighre mascalach carthanach ciúntais | 695 | This gentle girl with an amorous heart |
Is deimhin go bhfaca sí a mhalairt de mhúineadh. | 696 | It wasnt in her nature to shirk her part. |
Ní labharfadh focal dá mba obair an oíche | 697 | With a lively lover she wouldnt have quit |
Is a thabharfadh cothrom do stollaire bhíomhar. | 698 | Once she was lighted, you know shed stay lit. |
Go brách ar siúl níor dhiúltaigh riamh é, | 699 | With the proper partner shed never take flight |
Ar chnámh a cúil is a súile iata. | 700 | Entranced on her back with her eyes shut tight |
Ní thabharfadh preab le stailc mhíchuíosach, | 701 | She wouldnt jump with inappropriate fright |
Fogha mar chat ná sraic ná scríob air, | 702 | Attack like a cat or scratch or bite, |
Ach í go léir ina slaod cóshínte, | 703 | But lie with him in embrace combined |
Taobh ar thaobh is a géag ina thimpeall, | 704 | Side by side with legs entwined, |
Ó scéal go scéal ag bréagadh smaointe, | 705 | Exchanging sweet nothings, little white lies |
Béal ar bhéal is ag méaraíocht síos air. | 706 | Lips to lips, fingers stroking his thighs. |
Is minic do chuir sí cos taobh anonn de, | 707 | Shed often throw a leg over him in haste, |
Is chuimil a bruis ó chrios go glún de; | 708 | Caress him with her brush from knee to waist |
Do sciobadh an phluid is an chuilt dá ghúnga | 709 | But with this one here, shed tear quilt from his body |
Ag spriongar is ag sult le moirt gan subhachas. | 710 | Seeking to play with that cheerless dogsbody |
Níor chabhair di coigilt ná cuimilt ná fáscadh, | 711 | Fondling or embracing didnt stir that beast |
Fogha da hingin, dá huillinn, dá sála. | 712 | Tickling his feet didnt help in the least |
Is náir dom aithris mar chaitheadh sí an oíche | 713 | I hate to tell you how shed spend the night |
Ag fáscadh an chnaiste, ag searradh is ag síneadh, | 714 | Tossing and turning in her hopeless plight |
Ag feacadh na ngéag is an t-éadach fúithi, | 715 | Clasping the linens, to the bed-rail clinging |
A baill go léir is a déada ar lúithchrith, | 716 | Her body shaking and her sweet lips trembling |
Go loinnir an lae gan néall go dhúchan uirthi, | 717 | Till the dawn of the day without a wink of sleep |
Ag imirt ó thaobh go taobh is ag únfairt. | 718 | Rocking to and fro in despair deep. |
Nach furasta don lobhar seo labhairt ar mhná | 719 | This leper speaks of women in casual tones |
Is gan fuinneamh ina choim ná cabhair ina chnámha, | 720 | Without life in his loins or strength in his bones |
Má dimigh an mhodhúil bhí trom ina ghábha | 721 | If it was a gent with a heavy heart |
Is gur deineadh an fhoghail seo gabhaimse a páirt. | 722 | Who had mounted this attack, I might take his part. |
A bhfuil sionnach ar sliabh nó iasc i dtrá, | 723 | But is there a fox on the hill or a fish in the mere |
Nó iolar le fiach nó fia le fán | 724 | A hunting eagle or a wandering deer |
Chom fada gan chiall le bliain nó lá | 725 | Thats so much without sense for a day or a year |
Do chaitheamh gan bia is a bhfiach le fáil? | 726 | That itd go hungry when sustenance is near? |
An aithnid díbh féin san tsaol seo cá bhfuil | 727 | Have any of you heard tell, in the west or the east, |
An t-ainmhí claon nó an feithid fáin | 728 | Of any class or breed or kind of a beast |
Do phiocfadh an chré an fraoch nó an pháil | 729 | That would search for food where nothing grows |
Is feorainn ina shlaoda is féar le fáil? | 730 | And ignore the feast beneath its nose? |
Aithris gan mhoill, a chladhaire chráite, | 731 | Answer me, you blackguard, without delay |
Freagair mé, faghaimse feidhm id ráite: | 732 | Id like to hear what you have to say: |
Cá bhfuil do dhíth ag suí chun béile? | 733 | When you sup at an inn, is the food less nutritious |
Ar caitheadh le mí aici a dtíos ina féile! | 734 | If others had found the same menu delicious? |
An laigide an chúil nó an lúide an láithreach | 735 | Is the house weaker, the site less secure |
Fiche milliún má shiúil le ráithe ann? | 736 | If twenty million had inspected it before |
Mairg i do cheann a sheandaigh thamhanda, | 737 | Does it really bother you, you stiff old prude |
An eagal leat ganntanas am do dhúile | 738 | Are you afraid of scarcity when youre in the mood |
An dóigh a ghliogaire buile gur bhaol duit | 739 | Do you think it possible, were you to try |
Ól na Sionainne tirim nó a taoscadh? | 740 | To drain the Shannon by drinking it dry? |
Trá na farraige is tarraingt an tsáile? | 741 | To ebb a neap tide with a jug? |
Is clár na mara do scaipeadh le scála? | 742 | Or empty the ocean with a mug? |
Breathain in am ar leamhas do smaointe | 743 | Next time, pause before saying whats best unsaid |
Is ceangail do cheann le banda timpeall! | 744 | Wrap a cold compress around your head |
Seachain i dtráth, ná fág do chiall | 745 | Take a deep breath, dont lose the rag |
Le heagla mná bheith fáilteach fial; | 746 | At the thought of women who like to shag |
Dá gcaitheadh sí an lá le cách do riar | 747 | If she spent the whole day entertaining all |
Bheadh tuilleadh is do sáith-se ar fáil ina ndiaidh. | 748 | Thered be still enough for you to have a ball. |
Mo chumha is mo chrá ba bhreá san éad | 749 | Bejasus, such jealousy could be understood |
Ar lúbaire láidir lánmhear léadmhar | 750 | In a strapping, stout-hearted, sterling stud |
Shantach sháiteach shásta sheasmhach | 751 | Panting, pushing, pulsing, preening |
Ramsach ráflach rábach rabairneach, | 752 | Roistering, romping, rollicking, riproaring |
Lascaire luaimneach, cuardaitheoir cuimseach, | 753 | A roving rogue, a sensitive searcher |
Balcaire buan nó buailteoir bríomhar, | 754 | A steadfast stalwart, a topnotch thresher |
Ach seanduine seanda cranda creimneach, | 755 | Not in an ossified oldster, a grumpy grunt |
Fámaire fann is feam gan féile. | 756 | An incompetent idler, a reclusive runt. |
Is mithid dom chroí bheith líonta de léithe, | 757 | Now, theres another matter on my mind |
Is miontas trí gach smaointe baotha | 758 | That should give pause to womankind: |
Cad a bheireann scaoilte ó chuibhreach céile | 759 | Why are they free of the married state |
In eaglais sinsir suim na cléire. | 760 | All of those priests of our ancient faith. |
Mo chrá gan leigheas, mo threighid dom fháscadh, | 761 | Granted that I might rightly cry and bawl |
Is láidir mfhoighne is laghad mo ráige, | 762 | My patience is great, my rage is small |
Is méid a mbímid ar díth gan éinne, | 763 | That, given how much we need a mate, |
Is mian ár gcroí faoi shnaidhm na héide. | 764 | Those heart-throbs are taken off the plate. |
Nach bocht an radharc do mhaighdean ghábhair | 765 | Its a pathetic sight for a needy maid |
Toirt is taibhse a mbaill is a mbreátha, | 766 | To see how well these priest are made |
Bloscadh a n-aghaidh agus soilse a ngáire, | 767 | Their rosy cheeks, their smiles so bright |
Corp is coim is toill ar támhchrith, | 768 | Their slender waists, their buttocks tight |
Úire, áille, bláth agus óige, | 769 | Their beauteous forms, their youth so fresh |
Ramhadas cnámh is meáchan feola, | 770 | Their straight bones, their well-fed flesh |
Martas trom is droim gan suathadh, | 771 | Their solid torso and steady back |
Neart gan dabht is fonn gan fuarú. | 772 | Their undoubted strength, their love of the craic |
Bíonn sealbh gach sú acu ar bhord na saoithe, | 773 | Theyre a welcome guest at the table of the seer |
Earra agus ór chun óil is aoibhinis, | 774 | Theyve got silver and gold for whiskey and beer |
Clúmh chun luí acu is saill chun bia acu, | 775 | Down for their beds and salt for their food |
Plúr is milseacht meidhir is fíonta. | 776 | The best of wine to put them in the mood |
Is gnáthach cumasach iomadúil óg iad | 777 | Mostly theyre not long past their boyhood |
Is tá fhios againne gur fuil agus feoil iad. | 778 | And we girls know that theyre flesh and blood |
Cumha ní ghlacfainn le cafairí coillte, | 779 | If I thought they were angels or sexless saints |
Snamhairí galair ná searraigh gan soilse, | 780 | Or sickly creeps, Id have no complaints |
Ach malra bodacha, stollairí tréana, | 781 | But theyre lusty youngsters with appetites unsated |
I dtámhghail chodlata is obair gan déanamh! | 782 | In a torpid sleep while maids are unmated! |
Creidim gan bhréag gur mhian le roinn díobh | 783 | Most of these fellows, I truthfully believe, |
Filleadh le féile, daor ní bheinnse. | 784 | Are lonely Adams asking God for an Eve |
Cothrom, ní cóir an t-ord le chéile | 785 | To be fair, it wouldnt do |
Chrochadh le córda, ghabháil nó dhaoradh, | 786 | To hang the lot because of the few |
Bás na droinge, is deimhin, ní ghráfainn | 787 | Sinking the ship wouldnt be the right plan, |
Lán na loinge chun duine ní bháfainn, | 788 | Drowning the whole crew to get one man |
Cuid acu bíodh gur rícigh riamh | 789 | Some have always been a right shower |
Is cuid eile bhíos gan ríomh gan riail, | 790 | Who are in the priesthood for the power |
Cinntigh chrua gan trua gan tréithe, | 791 | Tough old buzzards without any heart |
Fíochmhar fuar is fuath do bhéithe. | 792 | Who think every woman is just a tart. |
Tuilleadh acu atá níos fearr ná a chéile, | 793 | But others are from a different race |
Tuilte le grá is le grásta féile. | 794 | Full of love and full of grace. |
Is minic a buaitear ba is gréithe | 795 | Often the well-being of a farm is increased |
Cuigeann is cruach de chuairt na cléire. | 796 | Without just one visit from such a priest. |
Is minic lem chuimhne maíodh a dtréithe | 797 | I can recall well their virtues being lauded |
Is iomad dá ngníomhartha fíorghlic féithe, | 798 | The number of their good works applauded, |
Is minic do chuala ar fud na tíre | 799 | I often heard throughout the land |
Siosarnach luath dá luadh go líonmhar, | 800 | A buzz of appreciation for this band, |
Is chonnaic mé taibhseach roinn dá ramsach | 801 | Ive seen incontrovertible evidence that many a son |
Is uimhir dá gclainn ar shloinnte falsa. | 802 | Could call a priest a father in more ways than one. |
Baineann sé fáscadh as lár mo chléibhse | 803 | Still, it bothers me greatly at the time |
A gcaithtear dá sláinte ar mhná treasaosta | 804 | They spend on women past their prime, |
Is turraing san tír chun díth na mbéithe, | 805 | While many a woman at best stage in life |
Ar cuireadh gan bhrí tsíolrach naofa. | 806 | Is left husbandless when she could be a wife. |
Is dealbh an diachair dianghoirt dÉire | 807 | In Ireland it has been demonstrably cruel |
Ar chailleamar riamh le riail gan éifeacht! | 808 | The damage thats done by this aimless rule. |
Fágaim fútsa a chnó na céille | 809 | The trouble, I assert, O Fount of Wisdom |
Fáth na cúise is cumha na cléire. | 810 | Is that clerical celibacy is the bane of Christendom |
Is meallta meillte luí dom dhóighhse. | 811 | And is nothing if not an abomination. |
Is dall gan radharc mé, soilsigh meolas, | 812 | I know Im blind, I need an explanation |
Aithris, ós cuimhin leat, caínt na bhfáithe | 813 | Tell us, if you know, the prophets sayings |
Is aspal an Rí ba bhíogach ráite. | 814 | What were the Lords apostles teachings |
Cá bhfuil na cumhachta dórdaigh an Dúileamh, | 815 | Where is it written that the Creator said |
Is calcadh na feola i gcoróin na cumha seo; | 816 | That the desires of the flesh shouldnt be fed |
Pól dar liom ní dúirt le héinne | 817 | Paul, in my opinion, never held that a vocation |
An pósadh dhiúltú ach drús do shéanadh, | 818 | Required abnegation of marriage, just fornication |
Scaradh led ghaol dá mhéid do ghnaoi | 819 | To leave your relations and your parents house |
Is ceangal led shaol is claoí led mhnaoi. | 820 | And live for life with your wedded spouse. |
Is obair gan bhrí do bhean mar táimse | 821 | Of course, its meaningless for a woman like me |
Focal den dlí seo suíomh dod láthair, | 822 | To explain the law to your majesty, |
Is cuimhin leat féin a phéarla an taibhse | 823 | O Spectral Pearl, you remember well |
Suíomh gach scéil is léir dhuit soilseach | 824 | All of the stories that make up the Gospel |
Binnghuth buan is bua na mbriathra | 825 | The meaning of the everlasting word |
Is caínt an Uain ná luafar bréagach, | 826 | The parables of the Lamb you have heard |
Dia nárbh áil leis máthair aonta, | 827 | I give Gods married mother as the beau ideal |
Is riail gach fáidh i bhfábhar béithe. | 828 | And the prophets:rules promote womens weal. |
Guím go hard tú, a fháidhbhean tsíthe, | 829 | O Ghostly Seer, to you I plead |
A shíolrach neamhda a barr na ríthe, | 830 | You whore descended of heavenly seed |
A shoilse glóire a choróin na sluaite, | 831 | O Glorious Light, O Crown of the Throng |
Éist lem ghlórsa, fóir is fuaraigh dúinn; | 832 | Hear my voice and help us along |
Meá i do intinn díth na mbéithe | 833 | Keep womens plight firmly in your mind |
Is práinn na mílte brídeach aonta, | 834 | The predicament of single womankind. |
Is toicí mar tá siad ar bhráid a chéile | 835 | The number of maids, if this system doesnt cease, |
Ag borradh is ag fás mar ál na ngéanna; | 836 | Will increase and grow like a flock of geese. |
An tál is lú tá ag siúl na sráide, | 837 | The smallest mite that you see in the street |
Gárlaigh dhubha is giúnach gránna, | 838 | Dirty urchins that are decrepit and not neat |
An aga dá laghad má fhaigheann siad a ndóthain | 839 | Youd see how theyd improve, if they had for a day |
Glasraí, meadhg, is briodar borrfaidís; | 840 | Their fill of vegetables, curds and whey; |
Durchar neimhe le haois gan éifeacht | 841 | Like a bolt from the blue, all of a sudden |
Tiocfaidh na cíocha, scinnfidís, sceithfidís. | 842 | Their breasts would grow, theyd blossom and strengthen |
Scalladh mo chléibh! is baoth mo smaointe! | 843 | It wounds my heart and raises my ire |
Ag tagairt ar chéile i gcaora tinte! | 844 | And burns my mind with a mass of fire |
Is deacair dom súil le subhachas dfháil | 845 | To see so little prospect for much fun |
Is gan fear in aghaidh triúir sa Mhumhain dá mná. | 846 | With Munstermen outnumbered three to one. |
Ó tharla an ceantar gann seo ghábhair, | 847 | Since the area is so poor and impotent |
Fánlag fann, is an t-am seo práinneach, | 848 | So utterly weak in this time so urgent |
Fóla folamh is fothram ag fiaile, | 849 | An empty Ireland where wastrels bray |
Is óige an phobail ag cromadh is ag liathadh, | 850 | And the youth of the country growing grey |
Aonta fada go dealbh gan foighne | 851 | A long spinsterhood seems a likelihood. |
Déinne ar talamh is fear éigin faighimse. | 852 | If I could find a man, either bad or good |
Ceangail i dtráth go tláith faoin úim iad, | 853 | Ill cart him straight away to the altar |
Is as sin go brách fágtar fúinne iad. | 854 | And tie him for life in a conjugal halter. |